Advertise with Us | Pormote with Us | Collab with Us
For – Shops, Brands, Business, Bands, Blogs, Events
In – Kpop, Kdrama, Korean Fashion Food Travel, Asian Culture, Korean Culture, Merchandise, Cpop, Jpop, Anime, Manga, Webtoon, Ecommerce stores, Dramas
By – Guest Post, Sponsor Post, Review, Web Story, Affiliate, Giveaways
CONTACT US – [email protected]
Hi ! Team KdropCart here !
We are part of the most active fandom online – The Kpop and Kdrama fandom !
KdropCart is a blog focused on connecting with fans of :-
- Kpop,
- Korean Dramas,
- Korean Culture,
- Jpop,
- Cpop ,
- Mangas/Webtoon,
- Animes,
- Asian Fashion,
- Food,
- Beauty
- Travel
We are one of the rapidly growing community of fans. Our audience is highly invested in this space and is always looking for New Deals, Offers and Stories.
If you have something to offer then we have audience for you!
Promote your Product, Service, Content, Event, Music Band with KdropCart
KdropCart was started in May 2021 and within 2 years we have built a community that is not only big but engaging enough to fly your brand or anything you want to promote.
CONTACT US – [email protected]
Whom we Promote and Advertise?
- Advertise for Pop groups and Bands
- Advertise for Korean Culture, Fashion, Food and Travel business
- Advertise for Kpop and Kdrama merch Brands
- Advertise for Jpop and Cpop
- Advertise Mangas, Manhwa, Webtoon, Anime Products, Business and Brands
- Advertise for Kpop and Kdrama Blog or Shop
CONTACT US – [email protected]
We work with :-
- Brands,
- Agencies,
- Businesses,
- Blogs,
- Portals,
- and Shops
That are working in the :-
- Asian Shopping,
- Asian Culture, Fashion, Food , Music and Entertainment
- Korean Culture, Food, Entertainment and Shopping
- Dramas and Events
- Etc. Niches
CONTACT US – [email protected]
How we will Advertise or Promote you?
We can promote your through following ways and categories –
Web Stories
Web story is a modern way to get targeted audience directly on your website. We will create web story campaigns for your brand or website and bring audience directly to you from Google Discover.
Our Web Stories Often go viral in not just Asia but all around the world including South Africa, UAE and Europe.
Sponsored Posts
We will promote or advertise your product collections, service, business and brand via blog posts to introduce it to our audience who is always looking forward to know more.
Sponsored posts will get you 2-3 dofollow backlink to your app or website which will build credibility for you in search results. It will help you grow organically.
Here is an example of such post.
We will post product or shop reviews for you.
We will make an in-depth review for your product or service with dofollow backlinks so our audience can directly land on your site.
Reviews will help you gain credibility in search engines and in eyes of customers too.
Here is an example of such review post.
Display Advertisement
We can put banners of your business, brand or service on our home page, top articles or in between relevant content with clickable image.
It will help you to have more brand awareness.
Giveaways are the best ways to get customers. We have a large fan audience and if you have any offer or giveaway plan we can help you to conduct a giveaway contest.
This is the best method to increase brand awareness.
Backlink and Mentions
If you have a separate portal, website, blog or content then backlinks from relevant sites like ours will be a lot helpful for you to grow.
We can mention your brand in our already ranking top articles so you can have more and more exposure.
Affiliate Marketing
If you have any affiliate marketing promotion going on with relevant products to our niche then we would love to know about that.
CONTACT US – [email protected]
Guidelines and Things to remember :-
If you want us to promote with sponsored post then –
- Either we can create post for you or you can send a post.
- The post you will send should match our quality standards.
- Article you will send should be informational, helpful and easy for our audience.
- The article should have at least 800+ words.
- The article should be plagiarism free.
- We don’t promote unauthorized shops and brands
- We have full rights to remove, change, delete the promoted content and articles.
Connect with us to know more about pricing and roadmap for promotion.
If you have any confusion as what promotion method you should choose, we will help you select the best option for your needs.
MAIL TO – [email protected]
SUBJECT – Advertise / Promote / Collab with KdropCart
Or CONTACT US here !
Our Client & Partner