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20 Best Kdramas of 2021 | My Favourite Kdramas of 2021 | Must watch 2021 Korean Dramas

best korean dramas 2021 - 2022

Annyeon Chingu-ya !

2021 is at its end and we are wrapping up everything to start from the new. Here I am going to share my favourite Korean Dramas of 2021 that I really enjoyed watching.

And as a Kdrama fan, I know you are also planning to wrap up your 2021 Kdrama list and make a new Kdrama wishlist for 2022 (right chingu?).

Now I have watched many Kdramas this year some newly released some old but here I am going to share only few of them! This is a random list and not rank wise.

So to not waste your time further here are best Kdramas of 2021

Must watch Korean Dramas of 2021 –


A buzzworthy drama and definitely one of my most favourite all time Kdramas is HAPPINESS. I am never going to shut up about this. If you are into Kdramaland and don’t watch this then trust me you are going to regret a lot. Although I truly feel HAPPINESS is an underrated kdrama even if it got many highlights. I hope it could air worldwide and get attention like SQUID GAME got, but sadly it didn’t. The lockdown life showed in HAPPINESS is something everyone can relate – its feeling and experience. This show will always recall our own “lockdown memories” in future also.

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Run on

Another Kdrama I am never going to shut up about. If you watched Hometown cha cha cha and not Run On then I don’t know what you are even waiting for. Run On has one of the healthiest romance in Kdramaland. It is sweet, lovely, fascinating, slice of life, coming of age and overall perfect in everything. Female lead character is one my most favourites and male lead character is just so cute, innocent and PERFECT I would say.

Lovestruck in the city

Did you pass on this drama thinking it’s just so boring from its initial vibes? I believe Lovestruck in the City is really an underrated drama. Why so, you ask? Because it’s very unique in its plot and story-telling. Female lead who is poor and don’t want to continue relationship with a rich CEO for her pride, the crazy in love male lead behaving like a fool after breakup – ah! Now it might sound like a similar story to you but the presentation of story is worth watching. It is a totally city love expressing real life sceneries through each character directly.

Squid game

Honestly I believe SQUID GAME was somehow over-hyped and if you joined Kdramaland after watching SQUID GAME then please don’t mind me. Genre of SQUID GAME drama is my favourite so it’s typically “my type Kdrama” and I really enjoyed watching it. I want another season of this worldwide hit series like you all but somehow I believe it was kinda over-hyped.

Our Beloved Summer

While I am writing it, Our Beloved Summer is still on going and making me fall for it with each episode. I observed this drama getting highlights for “Christmess Tree” OST by V and for its star cast – Choi Woo Shik and Kim Da mi but drama is beyond that. As 2021 has given us many healing shows and this is definitely one of those. The contrast of Innocent youth and a burdened young age is what we all can relate to.

ALSO READ Kdramas Similar to Our Beloved summer

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Youth of May

Such a beautiful Drama showing the beauty of summer and youth that are both symbolic. Youth of May presents the life of old South Korea of 80’s decade. As a lover of cultural variety it was so exciting for me to go back to old South Korea while I never visited the modern one itself (did you?). By the way it is a beautiful romantic-tragedy.

Yumi’s cell

Yumi’cell is really a unique rom-com Kdrama. I really liked how they mixed animation, psychology, comedy and modern romance story in one place and absolutely it was a success. Whole series was a pure fun to watch and I liked the ending also as many might not like it but I am waiting for season 2 for Park Jinyeong. It is supposed to continue with a new love story and new boyfriend of Yumi so it will really be fun.

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She would never know

I don’t think so She would never know is a big hit. However my new year 2021 started with this drama and it was worth watching. Drama is about female lead who wants to do better in her career where younger male lead is ready to bet his everything to be with his love. With this plot inclined I enjoyed watching this “Noona-love” themed rom-com and for Rowoon also – my “Extraordinary Crush”.

Hometown Ch cha Cha

When it comes to lively, romantic, family and healing dramas Hometown cha cha cha is surely the winner of 2021. Surprising thing that i experienced that when i launched Hometown cha cha cha merch on our shop i didn’t expect it will be a bestseller ! This was the craze with this drama that in India even Kdrama merch can be this much loved. However talking about the drama then it was an amazing watch for me although in last episodes i became little lazy and watched them much later since drama ended but overall it was surely one of the best kdramas of 2021.

SHOP for bestselling Hometown cha cha cha merch on KdropCart

Police University

Connecting the current trendy topic “Cryptocurrency world” with crime and suspense is what Police University has done. A different type of Bromance between a detective teacher and hacker student is worth the time. It should be your must watch if you like crime and thriller. Although I binge watched Police University but also skipped some scenes (cause I was to curious to jump to the next scene 😀 )


At first I skipped Imitation as I was not aware of its concept then a chingu on IG recommended me this youthful kdrama. And I am grateful that I didn’t skip it. Imitation is a must watch for you if you are also into Kpop and love watching Kdramas. The main lead sometimes gave me BTS Jungkook vibes, because he always wears black although Jungkook doesn’t seem that serious type of Kpop Idol but both are so charming. I have discussed it on our social media too.

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Blue Birthday

What a thrill watch this high school, time – travel mystery is. If you love concepts of mystery, time-travel, cute romance with thrill, crime and suspense then Blue Birthday is a must watch. The climax is amazing and so exciting. It really made me scream and curious for every episode. I binge watched Blue Birthday and again… never going to shut up how amazing this series is.

My roommate is a Gumiho

Many get friend zoned and Brother-sister zoned but “My roommate is a Gumhio” taught us a new way to reject someone – the Niece/Nephew zone. If you have watched this then you know what I am talking about and if you haven’t then give it a watch. It’s a fantasy romance and has many humorous and romantic scenes.


Here comes the leader of crime-thrilling series of 2021 – VINCENZO. From crime partner couple to psycho villain this show is a whole standard itself. What everyone expected from Song Jong Ki he proudly gave – the classy criminal. And I am sure you might have come across those social media posts “Started watching for him (Song Jong Ki) but fell for him (Ok Taecyeon)” and yes I am in that group. I love psycho villains and Ok Taecyeon topped that list.

SHOP for VINCENZO merch on KdropCart

Move to Heaven

Have you shed tears watching a Kdrama? Well in this one you might do. In case you haven’t watched it “Move To Heaven” is about a ‘trauma cleaner” group of a father and mentally challenged son and how the son continues this job after his father’s sudden death.  While some sensitive scenes might make you uncomfortable but the representation of life in this show is a beauty no one should miss to experience.


A well hyped Kdrama of this year – Nevertheless. Although I have written about this in my previous blogposts as well so there is nothing new, my feelings are same. I loved it, it was a unique modern story, I have explained why I liked Park Jae-eon’s character (even though Song Kang himself hated it), Cute Potato boy everyone had crush on and the amazing experience of art and cinematography of this series are worth our time, right?



Meloncholia is still ongoing as I am writing it, so the ending I don’t know. However drama itself is a pure melodrama where characters represent life through Mathematics and the connection is amusing. While being a math-lover (I know it’s strange to hear as a kdrama lover) I really liked the dots they connected of math and life. It’s again a “Noona-love” series and I like this concept, male lead is so soft and contributing to the group of “Let’s set the standards high”.

At distance spring is green

Healing from childhood trauma, problems of youngsters, pressure of career and life with a desire of love “At distance spring is Green” showcase all of these with ease. Cute main lead and second lead couples with smooth going story is a good watch as it totally justify its name “At distance spring is green” by showing hardships of young age.

Sisyphus the Myth

A crime thriller with the concept of time – travel scientific experiments “Sisyphus the Myth” shows us a new side of Park Shin-Hye as actor and she enters into the “cutie to baddie” club. Strong female lead with humourous male lead are too good to be together.

Doom at your service

One more buzzed Kdrama of 2021 is Doom at your service and honestly like many other Kdrama lovers I also enjoyed the romance between second main leads then main leads in this show. The kissing scene on stairs of second main leads was what caught everyone’s attention.

So here is end of this list but I am keep writing more of my recommendations and Kdramalists in other blogs so don’t forget to read them.

In 2021 we had two major kind of kdramas ; if you remember – either they were super thrilling to spring us up from our seats or they were super healing to squeeze us up in the blanket of love. For example Kdramas like “Vincenzo”, “Squid Game”, “Penthouse 2”, “Mouse”, “My Name” etc. were highly loved thrillers while “Hometown cha cha cha” , “Hospital playlist 2”, “Move to heaven” etc. Kdramas took the lead to take us into healing reality.

Like you I also had a roller coaster of emotions through these dramas. One side I just finished “Yumi’s cell” just to swing in the thrilling “HAPPINESS”. On the other side I experienced two different types of romance in “She would Never know” and “Nevertheless”.

I hope you enjoyed reading it. AND .. WAIT! Don’t go anywhere without exploring your fav K-drama’s merch on our shop here … You can also DM us on social media here (IG – @kdrop_cart) for free customization.


Your chingu…

Kdropper !


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FAQ Kdramas of 2021

What are 5 best Kdramas of 2021?

The 5 best Korean Dramas of 2021 –
Run On

What are 5 must watch Kdramas of 2021?

5 must watch Korean Dramas of 2021 are –
Youth of May
Blue Birthday
Police University
Our Beloved Summer

What are best thriller – suspense Kdramas of 2021?

Here are 7 best suspense – thriller kdramas of 2021 –
My Name
One Ordinary Day
Squid game

What is the most popular Kdrama of 2021?

5 Most popular Kdramas of 2021 –
Squid Game
Hometown cha cha cha

What is the most romantic kdrama of 2021?

5 most romantic kdrama of 2021 are –
Hometown cha cha cha
Youth of May
Run On
King’s affection
Hospital playlist 2

What is the best high school Kdrama of 2021?

5 Best high school kdramas of 2021 are –
Our Beloved Summer
School 2021
A love so beautiful
Blue Birthday
Love Alarm 2

What are the best collage dramas of 2021?

Must watch 3 college dramas of 2021 –
Police University
At distance spring is green

What are feel good Kdrama of 2021?

7 Best feel good kdrama of 2021 –
Hometown cha ch cha
Run on
Yumi’s cell
You are my spring
Married to an anti-fan
Check out the Event

9 thoughts on “20 Best Kdramas of 2021 | My Favourite Kdramas of 2021 | Must watch 2021 Korean Dramas”

  1. I watched yumi’s cells and doom at your service……yumi’s story pulled my heartstrings and doom at your service got me emotional every time I watched it…..definitely reccomend both the dramas ……enjoy ♡

  2. I watched Vincenzo, squid game, blue birthday, doom at your service, neverthless, and they alll were amazing 😍😍 I really liked it …. I highly recommend Vincenzo in this it was full of action, mystery and many more actually I don’t have words it’s too good 😍😍

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